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Here are some resources we have come across and have been suggested to us: we continue to add to this list. We encourage you to have a look here and do some investigating in your library, on the web and through your doctor, health professional and to talk with other women about their experiences.


She Listens does not recommend a particular course of 'action' rather we would like to share different approaches and stories of women's experience with the aim of promoting well being.


 We've divided the resources into six categories to help you peruse the material in your ongoing exploration of the menopause journey...

Resources: Text

Organisations and Reports


Jean Hailes website

Jean Hailes for Women's Health is a national not-for-profit organisation dedicated to improving women's health across Australia through every life stage.


Australasian Menopause Society

Members of the Australasian Menopause Society Limited (AMS) are doctors and other health care professionals who each have a special interest in women's health in midlife and menopause and the promotion of healthy ageing.


Circle In report

Circle In, with the support of the Victorian Women’s Trust, surveyed more than 700 people about their experience of menopause in the workplace – and the results are shocking!


Ourselves at Work Creating Positive Menstrual Culture in your Workplace.

This  is a comprehensive guide for how to dismantle the menstrual and menopausal taboo in workplaces, and replace it with a culture that embraces menstrual and whole of life wellbeing.


The Chalice Foundation

The Chalice Foundation mission is to promote a positive menstrual culture for the benefit of us all.


Resources: Text

Books for the Journey (fiction and non-fiction)

Menopause, Me and You: The Sound of Women Pausing

By Ellen Cole, Esther D Rothblum, Ann M Voda


About Bloody Time The Menstrual Revolution We have to Have by Karen Pickering & Jane Bennett 


Wise Power Discover the Liberating Power of Menopause to Awaken Authority Purpose and Belonging by Alexander Pope & Sjane Hugo Wurlitzer ​


The M Word - How to thrive in menopause by Ginni Mansberg


The Wisdom of Menopause by Christine Northrup M.D.


New Menopausal Years: Alternative Approaches for Women 30-90

by Susun S. Weed


Changing Woman: Understanding Perimenopause - eBook by Charlotte Young


Travelling with Pomegranates by Sue Monk Kidd and Anne Monk Kidd


The Madwoman in the Volvo: My Year of Raging Hormones by Sandra Tsing Loh


Dangerous Old Woman: Myths and Stories About the Wise Woman by Clarissa Pinkola Estes


The Crone Initiation - Women Speak on the Menopause Journey Ed Kay louise Aldred, Pat Daly & Trista Hendren


Grandmothers: Essays by 21st Century Grandmothers ed by Helen Elliot 


Crossing to Avalon by Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D 


Hagitude Reimagining the Second Half of Life 


If Women Rose Rooted, by Sharon Blackie


Under the Quandong Tree, by Minmia


Kissing the Hag: The Dark Goddess and the Unacceptable Nature of Women by Emma Restall Orr


Menopause – a Biocultural Perspective by Lynnette Leidy Sievert


The Rhythms of Women’s Desire – how female sexuality unfolds at every stage of life by Elizabeth Davis



Resources: Text

Podcasts, Blogs and Websites

Fertility Friday podcast episode with Alexandra Pope on The Wisdom of Menopause

Menopause While Black hosted by  UK based Karen Arthur


Women of a Certain Age  podcast


Lara Owen Blog : thought provoking articles on menopause 


Shine Light and Love

Podcast with Penny Van-Der-Sluys interviewing Libby Chow on Giving Voice to Menopause


Wendy Sweet website 

Menopause is the essential gateway into good health as we age and its time everyone learned how to position menopause in wellness, not sickness.


The Making of Giving Voice to Menopause, Libby Chow reflects on her peri menopause and the making of our film in the latest VWT Blog.


Peanut Menopause app, is a safe space where you can find support and information.


Embodiments Dance Drum Circle (She Listens's Sarah Miller 's website) 

Creating safe and sacred spaces for you to come home to your body and the body of the earth.


Red School Future of Feminine Spirituality & Leadership Discover the power & magic of Menstruality


Midlife Pleasure and Power

For women 40+ to own the process of their midlife transformation and to claim pleasure and power as an integral  part of this life phase.  


The Menstrual Taboo blog post from The Chalice foundation


What working women want blog post from The Chalice Foundation


Menopause is an opportunity blog post from The Chalice Foundation 

Resources: Text

TV Film Theatre

Goodbye Aunty Flo

A play by Ilbijerri Theatre


Giving Voice to Menopause


Insight: Season 2020 Episode 30



Davina McCall: Sex, Myths and the Menopause


Fleabag-  Season 2 Episode 3 (for a specific discussion on menopause!)


Sex Education Season 2 finale (for a discussion on perimenopause) available on Netflix



Resources: Text

Publications (Journals & Articles)


‘It feels like I’m being incinerated’: Why menopause should be a hot topic

The Age, April 29th 2023


The UK government may have rejected menopause protections – but workplaces are more supportive than ever

The Conversation article February 6th 2023


Naomi, Gwyneth, Serena: The ‘menopower’ movement lights up

SMH article February 10th 2023


Perimenopause: buckle up girls! 

Editorial by Jo Pybus


Introducing Maga a series of articles by Jane Hardwicke Collings on menopause


Breaking the Taboo by Jo Pybus


Women’s Midlife Health is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers original and review articles focused on the physical and mental health of women during midlife, including articles on aging, reproductive aging and their inter-relationship. The journal focuses on research that provides new insights into the health transitions that occur during midlife, welcoming research that examines the vulnerabilities and opportunities during this life stage and their consequences for healthy aging.


'That is not me. I am so zen’: Could Gen Y break the menopause taboo? 

Sydney Morning Herald 2/9/21


This Is Your Brain On Menopause by Dr Sarah McKay 26/4/21


The Blessings of Surgical Menopause by She Listens Sarah Miller 


Article on the importance of talking openly about menopause with your family  Herald Scotland 28/8/21


Encounters with Aging – mythologies of menopause in Japan and North America by Margaret Lock. An examination of the framing of middle age as pathology, the medicalization of female life cycle and critique of mind-body split.


Women’s Health in/and Work: Menopause as an Intersectional Experience by Kathleen Riach and Gavin Jack, in Intersectional Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.  This paper employs an intersectional lens to explore menopausal experiences of women working in the higher education and healthcare sectors in Australia. 




Resources: Text

Menarche & Menstruality

Wild Power by Alexandra Pope & Sjane Hugo Wurlitzer

and their Red School online course including Menopause the Great Awakener 

Fertility Friday : great podcast on all things menstrual 


Her Blood is Gold by Lara Owen


Lucy Peach : Feminist folk-pop singer songwriter 

Resources: Text



Dignified Menopause- A Global Perspective, 8 Dec 2021  The Dignified Menopause initiative aims to widen the current lens by facilitating debate and fostering connections between advocates, activists, allies and campaigners from all corners of the globe. It seeks to promote womb to tomb dignity for everyone.



Autumn Woman Harvest Queen

Autumn Woman, Harvest Queen is a one-day workshop in which to explore (PERI-)MENOPAUSE as a powerful rite of passage in a woman’s life, often feared and misunderstood. 


MoonSong Workshop is a one day workshop exploring the cyles as they live in you- through the menstrual cycle, in the moon and her phases, and the earth and her seasons.  Menopause is mapped within this cyclical framework. 

Resources: Text
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