Hosting the film and having conversations.
She Listens recognize that seeing the film can inspire people to want to share it with groups of friends, family and community. Outlined below is some information which gives some ideas and practicalities to consider should you wish to host a screening as an event in a venue such as a local cinema or community centre.
Show the film in a space designed for sharing and time for listening.
Some people are able to talk readily about the film and menopause; for others a private reflection is enough.
She Listens respect the diversity of cultural experiences regarding womens' bodily experience. We also acknowledge that many women do not feel comfortable talking about menopause. The research suggests that this is true for the majority of women.
Some suggestions for your screening event
Invite local Indigenous Elder to give a Welcome to Country (include in your budget)
Hire a local female performer or musician to create a welcoming atmosphere.​
Have someone speak about why you are hosting the film and what you hope people take away from the event. (eg "a community organization making positive changes to menstrual culture")
Create spaces for encouraging conversation post the screening - food, cups of tea -it's great to have space for people to talk about the film and share experiences
​We suggest two hours for the event. The Film itself is 25 minutes in length.
Direct people to resources about menopause and menstrual cycle such as this website, the VWT, The Chalice Foundation
At your event you may earmark some time post screening for informal conversations over cups of tea. Alternatively you may like to create a more structured time for conversations with and amongst your audience.
Here are some prompts from She Listens for you to use as a starters for conversation:
What are some of your immediate personal responses to the film?
What are you curious about, what questions have been raised for you in relation to your own menopause?
Which women and stories in the film resonated with you ?
How do you feel having listened to the women in the film?